This lockdown has changed the definition of schools not only for children, for their parents too. Schools are supposed to fun and outdoor learning sessions. But for this year, it’s quite boring, less interactive, and just sitting in front of screens. According to the latest survey conducted of the children in the age group of 7-17 years, 64% of the children and parents are not appreciating online schooling.

We all agree that this is an era of emerging technologies but no one ever imagined school from home like work from home. When children already facing several issues with these online classes there are plenty of online courses available too. These courses are designed to develop and teach some extra skills to students, one of them is coding which is quite popular too these days. 

Advertisements reflect the value 

Marketing is a very broad term and advertisement is just a part of it. Basically, advertisements provide customers with an opportunity to compare and differentiate the brands available in the market. From a company point of view, advertisements help them to showcase their unique selling points. Your ads can create or destroy the brand image so be careful while making and casting it. It is very important to know how people will perceive the information provided by your ads.

Children cracking Coding!!

Coding can be compared to mental ability games. It helps them enhance their problem-solving skills and develop a sense of improvement among them. Coding will the basic literacy in the coming future, and kids need to understand and work with the technology around them. Things taught at an early age develop permanent rooms in our memories and help to build our mental framework. There are several more advantages of coding like-

  • Coding is like learning a new language
  • Coding develops creativity
  • Coding enhances math-skills
  • Coding improves academic performance
  • Coding creates confidence

What parents think?

We all know that there are always two sides to the coin. Sometimes only one side grabs our attention, it is a matter of perceiving things. 

Firstly, the education system of India has been updated recently making coding an integral part of the academic syllabus. So, it is kind of a new thing for Indian parents to make their children learn to code and develop their interest in it. Secondly, this new adjustment will take some time to establish both for parents and kids.

With the drastically changing education with the distinctive rise of e-learning platforms, coding is gaining popularity. If kids learn how to code at a young age, they can achieve a lifetime of success. The problem that needs to be solved here the way these courses are advertised in the market. Sometimes brand recognition happens at the expense of a negative perception of the brand. There are plenty of courses and applications available in the market. Actually, these activities have increased a lot during COVID 19, as free time has increased in our lives. With the increased demand and rising competition, these companies start advertising on all the available platforms. Some of the advertisements were perceived very differently by parents and ended up being trolled. Many complaints were registered by parents regarding the assigned teachers. Parents also started to think if their kid is not able to perform well and their upright will decline. Actually, as an aware member of society, we have to take responsibility to normalize things and should try to set good examples for our future generation.

We have a Solution!

We never know when these temporary changes become permanent so what we can do is be ready to accept the change. Coding is an essential tool that kids should learn. There are several options available to choose from for purchasing an online coding course. As a parent one should try to understand the interest of children and never force them to do something they don’t like. Proper guidance and little monitoring with some attention can help kids a lot. This is the era of the internet and we have access to all the information. Some bits of advice from our side-

  • Make coding interesting and entertaining
  • Find a good online class
  • Find a good mentor
  • Try to involve a bit with them
  • Take feedback from kids about the course

Last TIP from our end

Choose well so that you get your return on investment and your kid gets to learn something good. Try to make your kid learn a new skill that is fun and academic both. The results will be improved confidence and academics. The technology can only play a role rest is on us to use its full potential.

Shristi Sharma


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